Friday, May 19, 2017

Study on Book of Chivalry - 2

We continue with our study of the Book of Chivalry by Si Geoffrey de Charney.

We will look at several things that speaks to the subject of relationships and ethical conduct.

The author Sir Geoffrey de Charney states the following on Deeds done for the sake of a Lady as follows:

And they are so fortunate that their ladies themselves, from great honor and superb qualities that reside in them, do not want to let them tarry or delay in any way the winning  of that honor to be achieved by deeds of arms, and advise them on this and then command them to set out and put all their efforts into winning renown and great honor where it is to be sought by valiant men; these ladies urge them on to reach beyond any of their earlier aspirations.

And one should indeed honor, serve, and truly love these noble ladies and others whom I hold to be ladies who inspire men to great achievement, and it is thanks to such ladies that men become good knights and men at arms.

The author makes a very profound statement, that anything done for the sake of a lady has to be done with alacrity and must increase the honor and renown of both the warrior and the lady.

Yet however in today's times, to find a woman of 'great honor and superb qualities' is very difficult.  It doesn't take much to see the local club or bar to find women seeking sugar daddies or a boyfriend to replace their admirer or abusive boyfriend.  And in like manner, we find men going to the strip club to find a moment of pleasure, or seeking the girlfriend that fits his fantasy.  We also have those men that have multiple women to talk or get intimate with and the same with women with many men to get intimacy or someone to talk to.  We even have men who remain single without seeking a relationship out of frustration for the diva mentality in women today.  Even single women who remain celibate out of their frustration of the male mentality of carnality, apathy, and the bohemian lifestyle.  The natural question is this: Why search for the woman or the man who has the best inner qualities if if requires hard work?

The answer is this:  the warrior who is inspired by a woman of valor will have a life partner by his side to push him to excellence and to greater deeds in life.  The woman who is inspired by the virtuous warrior, becomes a woman of valor who is not afraid to face the trials of life.

As the first quote points out, the woman who pushes the warrior to do things that will increase his own honor, renown, and personal excellence is the lady that should be loved and honored.  The question that would asked is: how does one know if the woman is the right one to be vulnerable to?  The answer is this: the woman that asks about you and your well being and care for you with her actions is the lady to whom the warrior can be vulnerable to.

Now I am not going into a topic concerning male psychology in regards to relationships, yet it should be noted by that men do not like to be vulnerable as they perceive it to be a sign of weakness.  However, to the woman of valor, the "weakness" is a sign of humanity.  Because the woman of valor is one who builds up a man both emotionally and ethically. 

As the second quote points out, the woman of valor is the woman in which time, energy, love, honor and loyalty is owed to.  Yet how can we warriors know this?

The answer is this: as it is common knowledge in any relationship to know the person first before dating, so it is with the warrior and the woman of valor.  The warrior has to know who the person is first, and must be his decision to be vulnerable with her based on her actions rather than on what she says.  If she takes care of the warrior in times of need or physical illness and shows selfless love, compassion, caring and kindness, the warrior can confine her love in his heart.

In summation, the points laid out by Sir Geoffrey de Charney are to find and confide in a woman of valor who will push the warrior to a higher standard of excellence and to deeds that will increase honor and renown for him and her.  The woman of valor is the woman the warrior can confide in with vulnerability because he knows that her actions match with her words and with her heart.  The warrior has honors, loves and cares for such a woman benefits her and himself.  The warrior who benefits others, benefits himself. 

Love and honor the woman of valor, Brave Knight!

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