Tuesday, May 23, 2017

HEMA on a Budget

The practice of HEMA is a martial activity to be enjoyed.  With many physical and mental benefits, who cannot admit that it is fun.  Yet the smile turns downward at the thought of expenses for the gear and equipment. However, I want to return that smile back as I share with you how to budget HEMA.

The first and important thing that must come into mind when budgeting the weapon trainers, equipment and clothing; is for one to research the various sources to purchase these things.  There sites such as Albion, Arms and Armor, Kult of Athena, Windrose Armory, Absolute Force, Revival Clothing, Purple Heart and many others.  However, don't get lost in the sea of options and choices.

The next thing that you want to ask yourself is what type of practice do you want to do.  If you plan on practicing longsword, then you will need certain things such as gauntlets, a jacket or gambeson, a fencing mask, arm and elbow protection, shin and knee protection and shoes.  If you plan on doing Rapier or Side Sword, then you would need a jacket, hand, arm and leg protection with a fencing mask.  It depends on what you want to do.

The next thing is when you decided what you want to do, ask people or other practitioners for gear recommendations, this will help in the decision making. 

Afterwards, take measurements of your yourself (hand, head, chest length, waist length etc) so that you can easily decide on what gauntlet or jacket works best for you.  The clothing is what you need to invest in first before getting into the expensive part: the weapon trainers.

Depending on the discipline or study that you are interested in will determine what kind of weapon trainer you can consider investing in.  Let's say that you want to study Longsword, you have may choices for steel longsword such as the Liechtenauer, the Meyer from Albion, or the Spada da Zogho, the Fechterspiel from Arms and Armor.  One must not get lost in the idea of "this sword looks cool, so let me buy it now."  Rather, one has to evaluate what can be affordable or what can be saved up for purchase.  When the evaluation is done, one has to research reviews of each choice and determine which one suits to there aptitude for the training. 

When all of this is done, then the ordering can proceed from there. 

For me, I followed this procedure and did my research and I have benefited from following the procedure.  And I learned somethings that not only improved my understanding of myself such as what fits me and and what I need to invest in quality based items.  Right now I have the gear that I need, the next thing for me is saving the money for the longsword trainer that suits me for what I practice. 

Learn yourself and what you want to get out of your practice.  Then make the purchases based on research and critical thinking. The result: a well equipped and prepared fighter.

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