Saturday, April 22, 2017

Welcome and Introduction

Greetings and Welcome!

I am Josh the Jersey Knyght who is.......

Well allow me to say this, that before you go off skipping this post, I want to state my purpose and intention of this blog.

The Purpose and Vision of this Blog, along with the Facebook page and upcoming YouTube channel is this: it is to show and put out there the path and manner of how does one become a Knight in the Modern Age.

You might have read that statement more than once thinking "Am I reading this right?"  Yes you did read it right.  I am aware that statement will generate the following questions:

Why would anyone become a Knight?  Hasn't the Dark Ages been long gone?

What does this have to do with me?

How does one become an obsolete warrior in the age of the gun and advanced technology?

The answer is not as simple as one would almost assume.

The underlying reason why anyone would want to become a Knight is because in this day and age, our current culture has failed in giving us any real substance regarding heroism, honor, the ideal of Chivalry and being better men.  How you may ask?  The current culture leaves open gaps and unanswered questions regarding what it means to be a man (this is why the self help business makes plenty of money on books written by doctors, psychologists and therapists on how to feel or act as as man, but contradicting each other), what does it mean to be a warrior and how does one live a life of purpose?

I am not railing or ranting against a culture which has brought us comic book examples of heroes, police men and marines as everyday examples of manhood, rather I am bringing up a concern that while we have many examples to follow, how we go about it and the manner in which we conduct ourselves is left open with many questions but no answers. 

I am here to give you advice, lessons learned and wisdom that I have gained from walking the path of the Modern Knight for six years, while starting with little to no knowledge of warrior wisdom, I have now gained the wisdom and the practical advice that men today do need in their lives. 

I will also post on various topics such as HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts), Interracial Relationships, film, book, gear reviews, interviews as well as posts on any event I have attended to show you not just my world but also to show you the advice put into action. 

I know what you might be thinking, "Is this guy some sort of nerd?"  In all truth, no.  Rather I am someone who as gained wisdom from following a lifestyle that while contradictory to the trends of today's social and cultural norms and I have benefited much from practicing it.

I don't want you my audience to be the ones left out of the opportunity to listen to practical wisdom and knowledge, not the high white tower ideals, rather the practical actions you can do now to start your journey to becoming a better person than you are now.

The question I want to ask you is: are you willing to take the step to become a better person?  Are you willing to take the first step to commitment to a llifestyle that will benefit you, your family, your friends and loved ones?

If your answer is yes, come with me and let us walk together on the path of warriors, the journey to Knighthood, a quest with the Jersey Knyght.


  1. Definitely willing to take the first step.

  2. Great idea, Josh! I wish more people did things like this. Your stepping forward might encourage them to make their commitment to a life based on the highest values. The world needs more people like that.

  3. Ready to take the step with you.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
