Sunday, June 25, 2017

A Story

I want to present to you a story in which it is an adaption from a Japanese fairy tale.  I don't know the name of the original tale so I ask that you pardon me for that discrepancy.  I have adapted the story with dramatic license to highlight the virtue of humility and honor in this story.

Long ago, across many distant lands.  There was a King who sought to have his daughter the Princess married.  For the kingdom which he ruled was in sore need of the royal family to continue after many years of war and devastation.  One day, the Princess came to her father the King and told him of her love for the famous Knight Sir John the Valorous.  The King laughed at the thought of her daughter of ebony complexion falling in love with a soldier.  The King said to the Princess, "Surely you must jest.  A soldier is only a simple man who seeks the glories of war for himself.  What you need is a Prince who has wealth, land and power."  The Princess beset with emotion, responded gently to her father saying, "But even a Prince can be seduced by greed and tyranny. The one who I love fights for the well being of all in the kingdom.  Furthermore, his heart is humble and pure.  It is these things that make love me more no matter his station in life." The King, surprised by the response thought over this.  He allowed his daughter to leave while he contemplated on how to get his daughter married.  He pondered until he decided to make a trip to see the Emperor in the Kingdom of the Red Hills. That night, the Princess prayed with earnest sincerity that her Knight will be her husband.

The following day, the King and the Princess traveled to the Kingdom of the Red Hills where they were greeted with pomp and ceremony.  The King greeted by the Emperor with all courtesy and spoke to him saying, "Emperor of the Red Hills, my friend.  You are by far the most powerful and sovereign ruler of your kingdom.  For this, I wish to offer you my daughter for you to marry."  The Emperor, perplexed by the proposition replied "My friend, I maybe sovereign of my lands and people, but I am not powerful as you think me to be.  For there is one who is more powerful than I."  The King perplexed by the Emperor's response asked, "Who would be more powerful than you?"  The Emperor responded, "The sun is the one who is more powerful than me, for his light keeps me within my castle and I cannot withstand his eternal heart lest I perish from thirst."

The King along with the Princess then walked outside the palace of the Emperor and the sun greeted them both.  The King shouted to the sun, "Powerful and eternal sun, I ask you to marry my daughter the Princess."  The sun laughed and said, "I wish I can but there is another who is powerful than me.   The clouds whom I can never pierce through with my light keep me captive until they pass by."  The King was perplexed all the more. 

The clouds then rolled by to greet the King and the Princess, paying them due honor and respect.  The King shouted to the clouds, "Great ominous clouds, powerful than the mighty sun.  I ask you to marry my daughter." The clouds trying not to laugh said, "I wish that were possible but the winds who are more powerful than me would prevent the wedding.  For when they blow, I am destroyed."

Soon the winds began to blow, greeting the King and the Princess.  However the King trying to shout to the winds was swept off to see and speak with the source of the winds.  The King understanding the intent behind the action asked, "Mighty winds that cannot be conquered, will you marry my daughter?"  The clouds questioned the King by asking "How is that possible?  For we cannot marry her for we are free and desire not to be bound by anything. Also, the walls of the nearby city are more powerful than us.  For no matter how hard we blow, the wall stands as a mountain rooted deep into the earth."

After the winds left, the King and the Princess rode to the nearby city.  The watchman on the wall greeted the King and the Princess.  "I speak for the wall of the city." shouted the watchman.  The King then shouted, "Watchman who speaks for the wall, will you marry my daughter?"  The watchman looked at the King with confused eyes and said, "My King, I cannot usurp and replace the man who loves your daughter the Princess.  For the man who is more fitting to marry your daughter is the protector of the realm.  The wall which I stand on and watch are strong but with time grow weak with decay and the elements beating against it.  This threat is more greater than the raiders or enemies we face.  But the raiders have more to fear from the Knight Protector."  The King realizing that his simple request was denied by all others asked in desperation, "Tell now, who is this Knight Protector?"  The watchman responded, "The Knight Protector is none other than Sir John the Valorous."  The Princess smiled within her heart as she knew her prayers were answered.

At that moment, a dozen raiders began to charge to city upon learning the conditions of the walls.  The watchman seeing them from a far distance sounds the alarm and the King and Princess get inside the city for safety.  Before the raiders were within a mile's distance of the walls a knight in black armor rode out to meet the raiders head on.  The raiders recognizing the black knight turned their charge towards to him and the battle ensued.  The black knight will outnumbered fought with strong strokes and skillful prowess.  In five minutes of the battle, half the raiders laid prostrate on the ground wounded or killed.  The remaining few of the raiders stricken with fear began to flee for their lives.  The black knight emerged victorious and without a single wound.  The inhabitants of the city rejoiced as they were saved.

The King and Princess watched the entire battle in amazement. The Princess was much joyous that her knight was victorious.  While the King amazed by what happened asked the watchman to bring the knight to him.  Sir John rode into the city being welcomed by the people of the city.  However, Sir John did not welcome the praise or even the acclamation of the people but rode to his house where we acted with humble courtesy.  The King sending the watchman to Sir John saw Sir John's actions was moved in his heart.  He said to himself, "His humility and prowess are nothing which I have seen.  I now see why my daughter loves him.  I would rest easy knowing that a man of honor will rule after me."  Soon, the watchman brought Sir John before the King. Sir John, a man of light tan complexion greeted the King with a bow and a salutation.  The King spoke to Sir John saying, "Brave and skilled knight, I have heard of your deeds and have seen them this day.  I also see that you humility and honor has made you a pure man.  A man who I deem worthy of marriage to my daughter the Princess.  I ask you, will you marry my daughter?"  Sir John taken aback by the request but not hiding his joy replied, "It will be great honor your majesty."

Soon afterwards, Sir John was in the arms of the Princess.  They were married within a fortnight and all the kingdoms rejoiced with celebration.  Never has there been a more joyous and festive wedding in all of the kingdom.  For on that day, honor and humility were victorious in the contest of love.  They lived with happiness for the rest of their lives.

The End.          

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