Friday, November 2, 2018

What Happened?

As I am writing this post, I understand that my time on hiatus on the Jersey Knyght Facebook page, Youtube Channel, and all other announcements have been put on hold.   What is my reason for doing so?  Why have I not been posting since June? 

The answer is this: Life. 

Life for me has taken on a new meaningful transition as I have now the means of living on my own and thus having the liberty to live out the Warrior Lifestyle to the fullest.  However reality hit my mind and soul as the current modern lifestyle demands and headaches have constantly been testing my patience and mental endurance.  But through it all I have learned much about myself and how one can apply the Warrior lifestyle without the threat of inner or outer hypocrisy. 

What I have learned is that when it comes to one'es daily duties and responsibilities; one must be vigilant and careful in making the crucial decision to choose what battles to fight.  For the Warrior, this means that one cannot afford to be neglectful in his/her responsibilities in life. 

I have learned that time is a precious treasure, one that cannot be wasted on entertainment or in social events where one can be distracted by conversation or by people getting into heated, prolonged discussions on random topics.  Rather for the Warrior, time is the tool in which he/she utilizes for training, self education, meditation and building life based on Virtue and following the ideal of True Chivalry. 

I have also learned that when one practices and applies the Warrior lifestyle in private but not in public, it creates confusion, hypocrisy (both inner and outer), and unwanted stress from trying to balance the demands of life and the rigors of the Warrior lifestyle. Rather one must apply and practice the Warrior Lifestyle both privately and publicly.  By doing so, one becomes firmly rooted and will not be shaken or pressured by the demands of current society. 

These lessons have taught much to me about myself and where I needed to improve.  I am grateful for such lessons.  For Humility to the Warrior is equivalent to drinking fresh water after a long journey.  The lessons that any Warrior learns must be reminders to always be vigilant and discerning to their decisions and their adherence to living by Virtue and True Chivalry.

With all this being said, I will be posting weekly and will continue to bring to you my readers new content for you to digest and apply in your journey of living by the Warrior Lifestyle.. Life will hurl many obstacles in your path, how you push through is up to you alone.  Strive Forward Brave Warrior!

Verità mia spada. Onora il mio scudo.
Truth my Sword.  Honor my Shield.

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