Sunday, September 3, 2017

The German School of the Knightly Arts

In the study of HEMA, the Italian school is studied as well as the German school of Knightly Arts.

The Rhineland housed many masters of Medieval combat, I will not go through all of them, but I will mention the name of several masters whose names stand out in popularity in study, but also those who have more than one fight book to their name.

The first one I will mention is Johannes Liechtenauer.

Johannes Liechtenauer is the master of the Knightly Arts from whom the German fight books derive their source from.  In fact, most of the fight books are commentaries of the prose verses written by Liechtenauer.  In fact you can read the verses here.

His verses specialize in the utilization of the Longsword, the Sword in Armor or Half Swording, and Mounted Combat.

The second name I will mention is Hans Dobringer.

Hans Dobringer is the earliest German source for Liechtenauer's verse that can be traced and his commentary captures the the Art that Liechtenauer taught during the Mid to Late 1300's which is crucial in recreating the Art of Medieval Knightly Combat.

The third name I will mention is Sigmund ain Ringeck
Ringeck is one of the most studied and practiced in the many HEMA communities.  The reason being is that Ringeck's commentary on Liechtenauer's verses is straight forward and easy to understand.

The fourth name I will mention is Peter Von Danzig.

While Von Danzig is credited for his commentary on the verses pertaining to the Sword in Armor, the often mistaken text (Cod.44.A.8) which is another commentary on the Liechtenauer verses provides insights into the verses and techniques not mentioned  by Ringeck.

Other names within the study such as Paulus Kal, Hans Talhoffer, Peter Faulkner etc.

Yet one will ask the question, why bring up this subject?

The answer is this: the study of the German Knightly Arts adds depth and repertoire to the study of HEMA and its focus on verse interpretation adds richness to mental training which is a benefit to the modern warrior.

Now Brave Knight, study and apply, learn all and apply everything.

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