The Warrior of today is a well rounded individual. One that can fight the external and internal battles with wisdom and vigilance. While a fighter can be one who excels in winning physical battles; a Warrior is one who fights the battles with the mind and the weapon of choice.
Yet the question is offered, How does the Warrior think? Is there such a thing as training of the mind?
The answer to both questions is this: The Warrior trains not just the physical body for combat, the Warrior trains his/her mind in equal balance. The body for physical combat, the mind for strategy and mental prowess.
How does one go about training the mind?
The Warrior will train his mind in many aspects of life such as reading, mental strategy training, usage of logic and wisdom, usage of one's vision for life, reminding of one's purpose as a Warrior. All these things are the components that make up the Warrior Mind.
Yet how does one start the training? How does one keep motivated?
The answer is this: the training starts by taking control of emotions, thoughts, and will. Exerting or initiating mental control brings about the mental change that is needed.
Next, the Warrior will begin to read books, not just pieces of literature, books on strategy, warfare, logic, history, martial training, ethics, . The purpose of the readings is to fill the mind with knowledge and build the foundation for the Warrior Mind to operate.
After the readings, comes the application of said knowledge. The knowledge can be applied to further one's self education to learn how to live independently and how to sustain and maintain one's self. Examples of this can range from maintenance/repair of a car, growing a garden for food, cooking, finances, woodwork, living off the land or survival training.
The application of knowledge must lead one to full, committed action. This action varies from what goals the Warrior sets to accomplish based on his/her environment or living conditions. What must remain constant is commitment to one's vision and purpose, commitment to the lifestyle and his/her goals, and vigilance.
Yet with all of this, various situations arise which may prevent all this such as illness or days where one cannot do the physical training. The answer is the training does continue within the realm of the mind. How one may ask? The answer is what has been detailed only minus the physical training.
Another will ask, "how does all this tie in with the physical martial training?"
The answer is this: physical action are manifestations of mental thought. Thus when a warrior drills a punch, a kick, a joint lock, evade or throw, the mind is what makes the strategies of the fight or series of battles in the mind of the warrior. This can also be a mental set up or prep up for a battle/tournament match/street fight/or survival scenario. Thus when one trains and refines their prowess, it is to be a preparation for the real thing: the fight for life and preservation of life.
Brave Knight, your mind must be equally sharp as your sword, for a sword without a hand guided by the mind, will lead to no action. Train well Brave Warrior!