We continue in your study of the Book of Chivalry of Sir Geoffrey de Charney. The topic is on the author's perspective on the Art of War.
The phrase "the Art of War" in the minds of most people will recall the famous strategy book of Sun Tzu. In this post, we will delve into the author's take on Warfare and how do we apply the principles of Warfare into out daily lives and in our daily warrior training.
The author Sir Geoffrey de Charney, on the Art of War states the following:
"They want to observe and to find out how to set up an expedition to attack and fight one's enemies, and to observe the deployment of light horsemen, the deployment of men at arms and foot soldiers, and the best way to advance in a fine attack and to make a safe and honorable with withdrawal, when it is time to do so."
"But the reason is that when a great nobleman, lord of extensive lands, is of great worth in the way explained above, as a result he loves and values men of worth all the more for the knowledge he has of great deeds he has seen them performed."
"Nor are the valiant poor men as much respected and obeyed in time of action as are the great lords; but this does not mean that the good reputation does not belong to and remain with those who have earned it, whether rich or poor, and he who does most, the more lasting benefit there remains for him and the worthy he is."
The Art of War as defined by Sir Geoffrey de Charney is not limited to the usage of strategy of armies and siege work; it also includes the actions of conduct in warfare between noblemen and non noblemen. It also includes according to de Charney the education of learning warfare.
One will automatically ask, "What does this have to do with me?"
The answer is this: As one who studies and applies the Art of War, so does the Warrior apply his education into the Art of War against the negative cultural and societal environment and war against the devaluing of Warriorhood.
One will ask "What? What do you mean a negative culture and society?" Reality dictates that the television is filled with dramas and reality shows that show the worse and the most carnal of humans. Another look at reality will show people treating one another with either negative humor or downright abusive mannerisms and the usage of shame to lift oneself while putting others down or to hide anything one would consider scandalous.
Reality is the proof of what has been stated. However the Warrior does not let his/her environment to get into the mind lest it grows weak. Rather the Warrior studies the opponent and creates strategies to battle the negativity and achieve victory which results in self growth and empowerment.
What strategies can be used? The answer varies as no one Warrior lives exactly alike as one's living environment varies. Therefore there is need for principle that applies to everything. The quotes above highlight three important things when applying the Art of War. They are: 1. Observe and plan the best attack, 2. having people of loyalty is valuable as much as self education, and 3. respect all men and achieve the most to win the war.
Let me break each principle to give explanation and context.
1. Observe and plan the best attack: observe the surroundings and community, find where the negativity is and how to best counter it with wisdom and nobility of character. This also includes appropriate usage of martial prowess and when to indulge in simple amusement such as movies or music.
2. having people of loyalty more valuable as self education is: self education balanced with having a fellowship of warriors is the achievable goal for any warrior. Fellowship guarantees things such as accountability, brotherhood and shared vision.
3. respect all men; achieve the most: this follows up on the previous principle, the context is to give respect to all people. However if the respect is not reciprocated, vigilance and discernment are the filters in which to render wise judgement on the person who is disrespectful. In the war against society and culture, achievement is based on growth, wisdom, mental and spiritual maturation rather than on physical rewards.
With all this, application and discernment are the tools needed to accomplish the task. The question to you Brave Warrior is: do you have a plan for victory? If so, fight wisely and with boldness.